Urban Creativity 2025 Lisbon Conference: 3, 4 and 5 of July
Save the dates! It will be a hybrid event, but as always, we warmly welcome everyone who can join us locally in a smaller auditorium and take part in our "low-budget" local program. More information will be shared through our newsletter. The generic theme for the 2025 Urban Creativity initiative is "Territory".
Ideological, physical, disciplinary territories. Private and public territory. Territory of the arts, territory of the sciences. Borders as conventions, abstractions, personal or collective. Defining boundaries, overcoming boundaries, dilution of boundaries. Political territory, communal, liberal, democratic. Territorial absence, materialism, material nihilism. Graffiti territory: when ends historical graffiti and it starts "modern" graffiti? Were are the limits of the "urban" territory? What can be defined as "the territory of the user"? Art and Place isn't it in the same territory of Public Art?
As you know, Urban Creativity is represented by several publications.
Submissions are welcome trough the following links:
GSA - Graffiti and Street Art Journal
UXUC - User Experience and Urban Creativity Journal (co editorial issue)
WSS - Writing Systems Studies (new journal)
VAS - Visionary Architecture Studies (new journal)
Deadline for conference abstracts: April 5
Accepted abstracts will be invited both for presentation at the conference and for publication. Articles will be published on a rolling basis as they are received and approved by the scientific committee. Therefore, we encourage authors to submit their full papers as soon as possible.
However, there are two key deadlines for publication:
- For inclusion in the August edition, articles must be submitted by July 5.
- For inclusion in the November edition (the final edition of 2025), articles must be submitted by October 5.

2024 Recap
Two conferences/seminars were (co)organized in June and November 2024.
Check here the reports.
Nearly 200 articles were published across the following journals:
GSA - Graffiti and Street Art, Volume 2:
SAUC - Street Art and Urban Creativity, Volume 10:
UXUC - User Experience and Urban Creativity, Volume 6:
BBDS - Black Book Drawing and Sketching, Volume 5:
AIS - Architecture Image Studies, Volume 5:
CAP - Public Art Journal, Volume 6 (to be published soon):
- TransAtlantic Dialogues N1 and N2 (in Portuguese).
Additionally, the GoINDIGO 2023 Conference Proceedings (Volume 2) were also published in 2024 under the theme: Disseminate | Analyse | Understand Graffiti-Scapes.
Online Seminar about Drawing in April
We are working on a online gathering to occur in April 2025. Theme and specific dates are to be determined (on the next newsletter). It will work as Urban Creativity regular conference warmup, challenging all researchers and authors to submit drawing essays and reflect collectively on the role of drawing within our several topics and subtopics. Keep tuned and prepare your creations and preliminary reflections.
2025 New formalities and journals
Many of you know that Urban Creativity has been a unipersonal initiative (supported by many friends and colleagues), with more or less part-time dedication since 2014.
In 2025, my commitment to this initiative will become full-time. For bureaucratic reasons, the formal structure will remain unipersonal, and a new name has been introduced: "Wise Thorough" (WT), replacing the AP2 Association (the previous formal structure).
Under WT, alongside Urban Creativity, several non-urban-related journals and seminars will be organized, including:
- WSS - Writing Systems Studies
- VAS - Visionary Architecture Studies
- MVL - Medical Visual Language
- BBDS - Black Book Drawing and Sketching (renewed)
The generic theme for 2025 Wise Thorough (seminars and journals) is "Common Grounds" More information will be shared in upcoming newsletters.
2025 New publishing "mechanics"
Our indexation processes continue to grow and improve. AIS is now indexed in Scopus (quartile to be designated), and we anticipate more exciting updates during 2025.
In principle, all articles will be made available online as soon as they are accepted for publishing. This change will enhance the visibility of researchers' work, while the official issue launch will still coincide with the publication's finalization.
The APC fee structure remains unchanged (ranging from waived to institutional fees), but the charge will shift from being per article to being per author (on indexed titles).
We remain committed to fostering enduring collaborations with institutions to provide their staff, professors, researchers, and students the best opportunities to freely publish their work in our journals. Share this information with your University librarian.
2025 Editors (please contact)
All journals are open to receiving proposals for new issues. We are eager to include your ideas and encourage you to suggest themes or topics for our journals.
While we will be reaching out to some of our contacts directly, we also welcome you to take the initiative and share your proposals with us.
Indexing News
AIS - Architectue Image Studies has now a Scopus Source details page, here is were Citescore information will be shared. November will be also a relevant month for our UXUC, CAP and BBDS journals as they will be resubmited for Scopus evaluation. All our journals are also under evaluation Web of Science / clarivate.
Editorial Assistants.
We keep open the call for collaboration with Editorial Assistants / Outreach Specialists. If interested please read more here.
Thank you for all those who already replied and are waiting for a reply via email. We are reorganising our working model and some replies from third parties and due in order to better understand what will be some future steps, namely regarding Editorial Assistants.
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