Street Art and related terms

discussion and working definition

  • Ulrich Blanché Assistant Professor, Heidelberg University
Keywords: Street Art, Urban Art, Graffiti, Working Definition, Overview, Summary, Terms


This paper gives a short introduction and discussion of the term Street Art and related terms like Graffiti and Urban Art. A major part discusses my definition of Street Art and other definitions and the differences and commonalities of these terms. Street Art consists of self-authorized pictures, characters, and forms created in or applied to surfaces in the urban space that intentionally seek communication with a larger circle of people. Street Art is done in a performative and often site-specific, ephemeral, and participatory manner. Street Art is mostly viewed online. It differs from Graffiti and Public Art. I quote first and foremost German researchers that are not translated into English but in my opinion should be part of the international academic discussion

Author Biography

Ulrich Blanché, Assistant Professor, Heidelberg University

This paper gives a short introduction and discussion of the term Street Art and related terms like Graffiti and Urban Art. A major part discusses my definition of Street Art and other definitions and the differences and commonalities of these terms. Street Art consists of self-authorized pictures, characters, and forms created in or applied to surfaces in the urban space that intentionally seek communication with a larger circle of people. Street Art is done in a performative and often site-specific, ephemeral, and participatory manner. Street Art is mostly viewed online. It differs from Graffiti and Public Art. I quote first and foremost German researchers that are not translated into English but in my opinion should be part of the international academic discussion.

How to Cite
Blanché, U. (2015). Street Art and related terms. SAUC - Street Art and Urban Creativity (repository), 1(1), 32 - 39. Retrieved from