Graffiti Exploration via Interactive Web Maps
This article explores the intersection of graffiti, street art, and cartography through web-based maps. Graffiti and street art pose challenges in representing their diverse and short-lived nature on maps. The ephemeral and location-specific characteristics of graffiti and street art are discussed, emphasising their connection to their original urban landscapes. Maps are proposed as vital tools for preserving their context. Current graffiti web maps are evaluated, revealing common (interactive) functionalities and limitations. The article advocates for user-friendly and advanced web maps. The nuanced representation of graffiti on maps, considering factors like size, shape, and orientation, is discussed. The development of a web map prototype showcasing graffiti along Vienna’s Danube Canal is detailed. The prototype utilises adaptive symbols to optimally represent graffiti across various map scales. Additionally, the option to view the map in a 3D mode is integrated to provide a more realistic view of the vertical dimensions of graffiti and their surroundings. The usability of the web map prototype is evaluated, identifying areas for improvement, especially in the visibility of graffiti features. In summary, the article underscores the unique character of graffiti and street art as map features linked to urban environments. It emphasises the potential of web maps but calls for technological and usability enhancements, contributing to a deeper understanding by preserving these art forms within their (spatial) contexts.