Urban Art Mapping and How to Deal with Hot Spots
The Vagabundler Project
Archiving, ; Berlin; Graffiti documentation; Legalisation; Localisation; Networking; North Side Gallery; Spot history; Street art photography; Urban art mapping
This paper presents the non-commercial online graffiti archive “Vagabundler”, which holds numerous articles, interviews and city maps on urban art. The text explains the archiving system developed by the Vagabundler Collective, with examples from Buenos Aires in Argentina, Montréal in Canada and Berlin in Germany. Finally, the North Side Gallery in Berlin serves as an example to highlight the potential political influence of documentary evidence in legalising graffiti creation.
How to Cite
Michels, G. (2024). Urban Art Mapping and How to Deal with Hot Spots. GoINDIGO, 22-32. https://doi.org/10.48619/indigo.v0i0.973