Call for Papers for UXUC Volume 4 (2022)
Since 2019, 3 volumes (6 issues) of the journal User Experience and Urban Creativity (UXUC) have been published, with a total of 52 research articles, numerous essays, working papers and book reviews.
UXUC is now indexed on Google Scholar, Sherpa Romeo, Directory of Open Access Journals, BASE - Bielefeld University Library and Citefactor. Scopus and Web of Science indexation in review process.
As a part of this year’s call for submissions to the journal, we invite contributions that reflect on the role of user experience, interaction design and general urban creativity studies on the current "Liminal" times. Questions of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Were and how do urban creativity,user experience, interaction design relate with a polarized world?
Which/whose are the limits of the user experience, interaction design concepts and how this discussion contribute to the present global challenges?
What methodological experiments are you undertaking and what methods are being developed?
Which novel theoretical insights can we draw upon to bring the UX and IXD studies forward?
In addition to this specific themed call for submissions we also welcome contributions that deal in a more general way with issues pertaining to urban creativity.
Submit your proposed contribution to the journal by the end of September 2022 (new date) via the submission page.
Closely connected to our journals is the Urban Creativity conference, which has been held annually in Lisbon since 2014. The topic of the conference paper can be the same as for the article proposed to the journal but may also be different. Having a paper accepted to the Urban Creativity conference does not guarantee subsequent publication in our journals, the submission need necessarily to be made the end of September 2022 (new date) submission page.