Urban Art Gallery - Artistic experiences in public space, Aveiro CreArt Encounter 2019
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Urban space is by nature a fertile ground for artistic expression. This is where is both the critical mass interest for creation - potentiating the offer - and who enjoys it, in a conjugation between the artist / creator and the audience / citizens. Urban space is also a privileged place for community, assuming a sense of a gathered inheritance of knowledges and of tangible and intangible testimonies that require constant molding, adapting and respect between the legacy, the memory and the innovation understood as agents of the dynamic and development of that same territory. At a time when public and urban art are highly expressive and produce a shocking reaction in the public, proliferating in unusual places as well as in others that are properly planned, it also has the potential to mobilize touristic flows and the capacity to generate new destinations, causing new demands and challenges to territorial management which concur with creative freedom and artistic innovation, opening up a privileged field of experimentation on and in public space. This point of contact between the artist [individual or collective] and the community, broadly understood as representative of both the citizen and the entities that manage the territory, is the core motif of the CreArt meeting to be held in Aveiro in June 2019.