Proximity and Complicity

Graffiti and the Cinematographic Apparatus

  • Benedita Roby FCSH NOVA
Keywords: cinematographic apparatus, graffiti, visuality, counter-visuality, counter-public sphere


The reciprocity between the two practices can emerge on various levels, and since it is impossible to fully explore all of them in this article, two hypotheses will be formulated regarding the affinity between the two arts. The first chapter considers the proximity between graffiti and the cinematographic apparatus, particularly in the production of another visuality, or a counter-visuality (Mirzoeff, 2011). The next chapter analyzes the complicity between graffiti and the film medium, in the production of an alternative history (Rancière, 2009) or a counter-public sphere (Sholette, 2017).

How to Cite
Roby, B. (2024). Proximity and Complicity. GSA - Graffiti and Street Art, 2(1), 82-95.