Being in the peripheral: How Street Culture grows yet stays young

  • Tomohiro Ishii Tokyo University of the Arts
Keywords: Street Culture, Graffiti, Hip Hop, Center, Peripheral


Street Culture, compose of Hip Hop, Graffiti, Skateboarding and more, has impacted many aspects of popular culture today. In this essay, I would set Street Culture as complex of creative activities and by comparing with Kabuki culture, I would like to see their common points as cultural phenomena. And at the same time, seeking the origin of Street Culture’s mindset into their experience: Great Alienation. With this point of view, I would like to point out what is the unique point of Street Culture from the others. And I would try to foresee which direction Street Culture might take in the future and how it can be staying as unique phenomena. 

How to Cite
Ishii, T. (2023). Being in the peripheral: How Street Culture grows yet stays young. GSA - Graffiti and Street Art, 1(2), 30 - 33.