Sustaining the Flame [sculpture and inner sustainability]: modeling connection possibilities

  • Sara Inácio
Keywords: Sculpture; inner sustainability; eco-spirituality; inner activism; contemplative practices


At a time when the planet and humanity are going through complex challenges, we make connections between the practice of sculpture and the concept of inner sustainability. We present the project „Sustaining the Flame“ (2022), in light of Buddhist and indigenous wisdom - two of the traditions that have most deeply explored the interconnection between human and non-human beings. From our perspective, the practice of sculpture is articulated with the notion of inner sustainability insofar as it promotes a (re)connection of the human being with himself and with the network of life of which we are all a part. The practice of sculpture, as a ritual and meditative path, is thus a way of intervention in the world, and contributes to the systemic balance of the Earth and the Cosmos. In the practice of sculpture, more than creating symbolic forms, one models sustainable possibilities of existing in connection, in unity.

How to Cite
Inácio, S. (2022). Sustaining the Flame [sculpture and inner sustainability]: modeling connection possibilities. CAP - Public Art Journal, 4(2), 48 - 59.