Evaluating Revitalization-engaged Art

  • Meng Qu Hokkaido University
Keywords: Rural Revitalization, Socially Engaged-art, Creative Enhancement, Art Place-making, Periphery Japan


Abstract - Community-engaged art initiatives have been largely regarded in recent decades as a mechanism for the tentative revitalization of periphery Japanese communities. There is a rising academic understanding of the links between contemporary art, creative placemaking, and creative tourism for social transformation through the arts. Much of the existing research on this area does not take an interdisciplinary approach. This study first highlights the significant research gap created by time, geospatial distribution, and inadequacies in the field of multidisciplinary concentration. Furthermore, this study offers ten evaluation indicators based on a narrative literature review of previously published research. This paper seeks to suggest possible evaluation criteria based on actual data from studies of art instances in the Setouchi region, with the goal of encouraging future research to critique and improve on this research framework.

How to Cite
Qu, M. (2023). Evaluating Revitalization-engaged Art. CAP - Public Art Journal, 5(1), 48-57. https://doi.org/10.48619/cap.v5i1.600