The complex task of cataloguing street and public art
a methodology applied in works in Jaen (Spain)
The research, conservation and divulgation of scientific knowledge of artistic works, begin with cataloguing process. The importance of cataloguing urban and public art stem from their ephemeral nature and dispersion. Social networks might contribute to identify this type of work of art. However, it is still necessary to connect the work of art to its urban context since it cannot be dissociated of it. The nature of this art implies the use of diverse techniques such as photogrammetry and interviews with the artists and actions like promoting collective projects which involves the community.
Cataloguing urban art is an emerging issue with some new theoretical advance but barely enough practical experiences. The Group of Urban and Public Art belonging to the Spanish Group of International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, has developed some theoretical approaches taking into consideration the differences between graffiti, self-organized urban art and public art. These approaches and principles are now implemented in a research project in Jaén (Spain) entitled ‘Painted in wall. Study of wall paintings in the province of Jaén in the 20th and 21th centuries' funded by Instituto de Estudios Giennenses.
The advances of this research are raised on this proposal paper. The example of a cataloguing card, a thesaurus and an application procedure which might be extrapolated to other examples. As a matter of fact, synergies are being generated with other projects like the cataloguing of work of art in Callegenera Festival in Monterrey (Mexico).