APD - Architecture, Public Art, Drawing - 7 and 8 November 2024 - Online Seminar


The online seminar APD aims to promote dialogue dynamics specifically focused on Architecture, Public Art, and Drawing. This dialogue is intended to develop among professors, researchers, curators, producers, and artists who express themselves in English, Portugese or Spanish (with dedicated panels for each language). Summaries and articles will be published in the CAP and BBDS scientific journals.

Themes are open for the first edition of the seminar.
Inspiraional topic (not mandatory): Port cities and waterfronts.

Photo of Birmingham Museums Trust in Unsplash

The online seminar APD – Architecture, Public Art, Drawing is part of the initiative “Transatlantic Dialogs” a program aimed at fostering transatlantic dialogue dynamics on Architecture, Urbanism, Public Art, Participation, Drawing, and the Environment. This dialogue aims to develop among professors, researchers, curators, public administrators, producers, and artists.

This initiative is co-produced by researcher Dr. Pedro Soares Neves from the University of Lisbon and Prof. Dr. Lilian Amaral from the University of São Paulo, who are organizing two synchronous seminars, one in Europe and another in America, namely APD - Architecture, Public Art, Design (online) and the Nomadic Seminar Expedition Valongo (hybrid).

We are in contact with professors and researchers who regularly publish in the scientific journals Urban Creativity, a project with over 10 years of experience in organizing seminars and scientific journals with hundreds of published articles.

The APD seminar dates are November 7 and 8 of 2024.

We are pleased to announce that applications are open to participate as a speaker at the seminars, which will allow you to present your work with subsequent publication in the scientific journals: CAP – Public Art Journal and BBDS – Black Book Drawing and Sketching.

We accept contributions in the following formats:

- Abstract (250-300 words);
- Full article (±5000 words).

We also accept non-academic written contributions, artistic and experimental essays, for instance, composed mainly of images.

- Abstracts can be submitted until the end of October.
- For publication (in 2024), full articles must be submitted by the end of November.

On this inaugural edition of the seminar there will be NO FEES for presenting at the seminar or publising.

Submissions can be made through the links:
CAP – Public Art Journal
BBDS – Black Book Drawing and Sketching

For inquiries, please contact via email: