Indexation status
BBDS Journal
EBSCO - Art & Architecture
Directory of Open Access Journals
BASE - Bielefeld University Library
Scopus (in review)
Web of Science (in review)
Editorial Board
Fatma Sedes, Istanbul Aydin University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Turkey
Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz, Head of industrial product design of IAU İstanbul, Turkey
Julian Rennie, UNITEC: School of Architecture, Auckland, New Zealand
Louis Netter, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Kathryn Moore, Birmingham School of Architecture and Design, United Kingdom
Maryclare Foá, Camberwell College of Art, United Kingdom
Nuno Sacramento, Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen Scotland, Portugal
Paul Woodruffe, UNITEC Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
Robert Luzar, Bath School of Art and Design, United Kingdom
Sarah Casey, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Shriya Malhotra, Independent Researcher (India)
Sue Gollifer, Ms, MA Fine Ar, School of Media, United Kingdom
Editor in Chief
Pedro Soares Neves, University of Lisbon Faculty of Fine Arts, Portugal
Executive Director AP2/ Urbancreativity, colaborator of,
University of Lisbon Faculty of Fine Arts / Artistic Studies Research Centre (CIEBA/FBAUL);
Associate Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems / Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI/LARSyS/IST).