
  • Pedro Soares Neves CIEBA / ITI - Lisboa, Portugal


The uncertainties surrounding the future have tended to result in popular narratives that are nihilistic and reductive, if only for dramatic value, and It is clear that alternatives are necessary if we are to make positive sense of the increasingly complex technological opportunities that shape the world around us and the range of possible outcomes that we face.

Architectural design and Science Fiction (SF) share an important characteristic, in that they both, conceptually, take place in an imagined future, and potentially ask ‘what-if’ questions about the way we inhabit those futures.

Author Biography

Pedro Soares Neves, CIEBA / ITI - Lisboa, Portugal

University of Lisbon Faculty of Fine Arts / Artistic Studies Research Centre (CIEBA/FBAUL)
Associate Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems / Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI/LARSyS)

How to Cite
Neves, P. (2021). Editorial. AIS - Architecture Image Studies, 2(2), 1 - 6. https://doi.org/10.48619/ais.v2i2.548